Welcome to sjosten.com

I am a golf and travel writer and photographer. In these pages you will find both my professional portfolio and my personal pages, as well as links to other sites and content that I produce.



I currently work for four different publications. You can find them in the next section, followed by links to some example articles



Most of the personal content is private and password protected (DM for password), but some content is public



The family pages are divided into immediate and extended family. Mostly password protected, with a few public highlights






Selected articles

Golf in paradise at the Els Club Teluk Datai on Langkawi

“Where are all the bunkers? We’re on the fourth hole, and I haven’t seen a single one”, my opponent wondered. As we played on we found no bunkers on the fifth hole either. Or the sixth, or seventh. In fact, we found not a single bunker on the entire course, unless you count the beach lining the 17th hole.

Summer sailing in the Stockholm Archipelago

A random collection of photos from our summer 2021 sailing trip around the Stockholm Archipelago with S/Y Tiger Lily.

As you can see in the photo it started with a (literal) bang, with thunder, lightning and hail bearing down on us. But it got better. Much better.

Bo Sjosten

Writer / Photographer / Traveler / Stockholm

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Some of my favorite photos

We all have thousands of photos in our collections, on our phone, or in old photo albums (remember those?). But which ones are our favorites?

It is almost impossible to go through all of them, even harder to decide. To make the impossible possible, I have just chosen more or less at random from my library. Click the button to see what I found.